“Me and my brother, Bam Bam, lived together in Rhode Island for the first 18 months of our lives in cages side-by-side that were way too small for us (especially since we are Great Danes). We were rarely allowed out and didn’t get any exercise. Being the goofy, good-natured guys that we are, we made the best of it and found comfort in each others company. Life wasn’t great … but at least we had each other.
Our owners finally realized they could not provide the proper care for us and surrendered us to the the folks at the Providence Shelter. It was scary to be in a strange place, but like I said – we had each other. The shelter techs there were shocked at our condition – we were under-nourished and under-developed. We had never been bathed, and we had burns on our skin from urine – so you can imagine what we must have looked like. We adjusted to the new environment at the shelter okay, but we were in separate kennels. One night I climbed over the fence between our kennels to be with Bam Bam. He was all I had for family, and we couldn’t bear to be apart. It wasn’t easy – but I did it!
The Providence shelter knew we needed more room, and contacted Monadnock Humane Society for help. We were immediately transported to NH together. The MHS staff treated us for skin infections, bathed us, gave us important shots, and fed us delicious food. We had spacious rooms with outdoor kennels so we could feel the breeze on our faces. We had never been on a leash, or walked outdoors – so when the volunteers took us on walks we were in heaven (and also learned from the staff importance of big boys like us behaving appropriately on leash!)! Life was good. Really good. And, we had each other.
Then, we were told it was time to be put up for adoption. Jim and Mandi came in one day, took me for a walk and fell in love with me. They could tell how attached I was to Bam Bam. Then they took both of us out for a walk, and knew we had to come home together.
Here’s the best part – Jim and Mandi live on a horse farm so we have LOTS of room to run and play! We have a new forever family that loves us both and will give us the care we need. Thank you all so much for making this possible for me and my brother!