Barn Cat Program

If you have a barn, stable, or warehouse, you can help a cat.
Sometimes we have cats who prefer not to live as house pets. Cats in our barn cat program may fall into one of three categories:
• Cats whose litter box habits make them unsuitable to live in the house
• Cats who are just too independent and need lots of space to be happy.
• Cats who are feral, shy or fearful of people, and who may prefer the company of other cats and animals
Not Just Barns!
We call them “barn cats” but they can be happy living and working in a wide variety of buildings—a warehouse, a workshop, or a garage can all provide a great life for a cat. As long as the cat(s) will be safe from vehicles, machines, and chemicals, we are willing to consider creative locations!
Working Relationship
Barns (and similar) can be a great alternative for many cats. You already know that your barn, warehouse, or other safe outbuilding is provides a haven for a variety of critters. Having a barn cat or cats will help keep down the rodent population. The cats will be helping you, while you provide them a safe place to live. And, because these cats are already spayed or neutered, you won’t have to worry about endless litters of kittens appearing!
What we provide:
All cats available for adoption are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. When you adopt a barn cat, we will go over with you how to acclimate your new cat to their new surroundings and make them feel at home. The $25 adoption fee for barn cats helps us cover some of their medical costs.
What you need:
When you adopt a barn cat, you agree to give them:
• Shelter in a barn, outbuilding, or stable (Newly adopted Barn Cats may need a heated enclosure in winter.)
• Daily food and water
• Long-term veterinary care, as needed (they’re neutered and vaccinated now)
• A secure place to keep them for the first 2-3 weeks, while they acclimate to your barn. This can be a tack room or any secure indoor enclosure from which they can not escape. We can lend you an introduction cage if no secure area is available.