Report a gift in your will or trust

Report a gift in your will or trust
If you’ve left a gift to Monadnock Humane Society in your estate plan, you can use the tool below to let us know! It can often be difficult to plan and make sure that your gifts are used in line with your wishes if they are left unknown. But more importantly, we want to say thank you for considering our work as a part of your legacy. We know that life circumstances can change and you may need to alter or reconsider your gift in the future. That’s all right — reporting your gift today does not obligate you now nor in the future.
Use the form below to let us know about the intended gift in your will or trust. The information that you share here is non-binding and will only be used to welcome you to our Jennie B. Powers legacy society. You can still alter your gift directly in your will or trust at any time, and manage any communication that you have with Monadnock Humane Society.