Beginner Rally

A small dog on a leash.

This course will give Beginner Rally teams a great start to this fun dog sport.

We will concentrate on the Novice/Level 1 Rally exercises and courses. This class will build a solid foundation of heeling for Rally with short courses and heeling exercises. Beginner Rally can be repeated in order to help you perfect those Novice skills and signs before moving on to the Intermediate and Advanced Rally class.

Prerequisite: Focused Fido or permission from instructor

This is a class for beginners to Rally and also those who have taken Beginner Rally but would like to keep training at that level. Drop in may be considered with permission.

Contact if you have any questions.

Dates & Rates

  • 6-week session: $150

(Our) trainer was kind to doggies and owners…no matter how much or how little (our family) knew about dogs and training.

Thanks so very much for getting us started in a positive way.

Register for Beginner Rally

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