An energized Board of Directors gathered at MHS last week in a three-hour extended meeting. Newly elected and standing members got straight to work to address the challenges immediately facing the Society. It was wonderful to have so many eager and committed people around the table. The discussion was frank and productive as we wrestled with how to respond to short term needs with an eye to long term strategy. A major theme of the meeting was how the board could support the staff and communicate respect and appreciation for their work.
An important first step is to populate the BOD’s committees and board members were asked to indicate their interest in serving on Finance, Governance, and Development. All board members will serve on at least one standing committee which will meet regularly. Members were also asked to self-nominate for two officer positions: Vice Chair and Secretary. These officers will be elected by the board as soon as possible. The full list of board members with their bios and a list of the committee memberships will soon be posted on the MHS website.
Members of board, including the chair, the treasurer and a newly elected member met with management staff the day after the meeting to hear their concerns and discuss next steps. Some members of the board attended an orientation to MHS given by out-going Volunteer Coordinator, Margaret Atkinson, for an extremely valuable presentation and embodiment of the MHS’ mission, values, culture, and needs.
Mindful of the need for communication to the membership and the community, the board will post the formal minutes of meetings as they are approved (typically at the following meeting), and continue to update with emails and posts to the MHS website and Facebook page.