We’re collecting 2500 pairs of gently used shoes, boot, sandals, high heels, or galoshes to raise $1,000. Bring your shoes to Monadnock Humane Society, and place them in the Shoe Collection box at our front door, in our Training Center lobby, or in front of the Boarding and Daycare Entrance. We’ll receive cash for your still-usable footwear, which we will use to care for our homeless animals.
Better still, this fundraiser does more good than simply feeding our cats and dogs. Those shoes become part of a network aimed at raising families out of poverty in Haiti, Honduras, and other South American countries by creating small locally owned and operated stores stocked with our old shoes. So, no trash, please; the shoes donated must still be wearable. Any kind of shoes are welcome except roller skates and ice skates.
Be a Shoe Champion!
Can you help us collect shoes? Collect 25 pairs (or more) of gently worn shoes from your friends, neighbors, or co-workers and we’ll pick them up. Contact Amee Abel, MHS Community Outreach Coordinator at AmeeA@humanecommunity.org or by phone (603) 352-9011 ext. 135 if you’d like to coordinate shoe collection for your class, school, club, business, or neighborhood.
All donated shoes will be redistributed throughout the Funds2Orgs network of microenterprise partners in developing nations. Funds2Orgs helps impoverished people start, maintain and grow businesses in countries such as Haiti, Honduras and other nations in Central America and Africa. Proceeds from the shoe sales are used to feed, clothe and house their families. According to a Funds2Orgs press release, “One budding entrepreneur in Haiti even earned enough to send to her son to law school.” Find out more about Funds2Orgs at their website: www.funds2orgs.com