Sponsorship Opportunities

Event Sponsorship
Sponsorship is a visible and effective way to show your business supports the mission of Monadnock Humane Society and believes in social responsibility to your community.
- Event sponsorship is a tax-deductible donation
- Gives your business visibility to our 26,000+ database subscribers and 22,000+ social media followers
- Includes your business in media, ads, and press releases.

2025 MHS Events
- The Walk for Animals unites individuals of all ages, walking together to support animals in need. In the weeks preceding the event, participants raise vital funds that support our life-saving work by rallying support from friends, family, and colleagues.
- The Hairball Gala has been voted the #1 Event for Charity by the Best of Monadnock Awards for the last 9 years. This annual event celebrates community, kindness, and the incredible bond between humans and animals. Every year, we gather for an unforgettable evening of cocktails, delicious food, a live auction, and entertainment.
Business and Community Partnership
Businesses help make our lifesaving work possible. Through philanthropy, product donations, and corporate volunteer programs, companies directly invest in our mission and in their own corporate social responsibility. Business Partners are recognized for their financial contribution by giving level. Community Partners are recognized for their in-kind support or non-cash donations like products and services.
Monadnock Humane Society offers sponsorship and partnership opportunities that provide substantial benefits to businesses that support our programs and services. For more information about ways you can help as a business partner, contact Kimberly McNally at 603-354-4015 or email KimberlyM@humanecommunity.org.