“They say that good things come to those who wait. What they sometimes don’t tell you is that good things also come *while* you wait. Mine is a story of waiting – a story of love and compassion, and being treated with dignity while I waited.
I was surrendered to Monadnock Humane Society with a condition called “upper respiratory infection”, or URI. I was very, very sick. The MHS staff immediately treated me with antibiotics, and put me into the isolation ward so that other animals didn’t get sick.
Even though I was by myself, everyone there was so kind to me – the staff and volunteers talked with me every day, and told me I was “adorable” and “sweet.” They gave me lots of attention, kept my bedding and litter box clean and gave me fresh water and food. I was eventually ready to find my new home, and was moved to the Adoption Center. I got stressed out and fell sick again and had to be moved back to iso. It was a long wait for me.
It was summer by then, and the weather was balmy. The staff decided that the outdoor Gazebo would be a good place for me – where I could spend my days lounging in the sun, enjoying the breeze, and meeting new people. The constant fresh air was just what I needed to fend off my illness, and soon I was ready to find my new home.
Not long after that, I was adopted by my new forever family! I love my new home and I am so grateful for my second chance at happiness. My family tells me I’m a joy in their lives. None of this would have been possible without everyone at MHS, and the care I was given while I waited. Thank you all so much!”